Dear Lilyponders, 

Suppose I have a ChoirStaff with four voices, 

and stanzas are sung by everybody, but distributed between the voices (less 

\new Voice = "one" { \sopranoMusic } 
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \stanzaOne 
\new Voice = "two" { \altoMusic } 
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "two" \stanzaTwo 
\new Voice = "three" { \tenorMusic } 
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "two" \stanzaThree 
\new Voice = "four" { \bassMusic } 

However, soprano & tenor have 8 measures rest; ideally those lyrics (14 
syllables) can be set with reference to the alto voice. 

When compiling, the order matters: 
"two" (alto) has been read when "three" (tenor) is compiled, so stanza three 
lyrics appear below tenor rests. 

But "one" cannot reference "two", so no lyrics will appear if 
\new Voice = "one" { \sopranoMusic } 
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "two" \stanzaOne 

Warning: cannot find Voice `two' 

Alternatively: alignAboveContext 

(what is the "context"?) 

{ alignAboveContext = "two" } 
{ alignAboveContext = "Voice" } 
{ alignAboveContext = "altoMusic" } 

\new Voice = "two" { \altoMusic } 
\new Lyrics 
\with { alignAboveContext = "two" } {\lyricsto "two" \stanzaFirst } 
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "two" \stanzaTwo 

This just prints the "stanzaFirst" section below alto. 

Assistance will be greatly appreciated, 

David Olson 
Los Angeles, California 

\version "2.18.2-1"
\header {
 title = "The Marcellas. 7s."
 subtitle = ""
 piece = "E♭ Major. John Cenick (1742)"
 composer = "Edmund Dumas (1859); alto 1911 S.M. Denson"
  tagline = ""

#(set-default-paper-size "legal" 'landscape)

stanzaOne = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "1."

Child -- ren of the heav’n -- ly King,
As we jour -- ney, sweet -- ly sing;
Sing your Sav -- ior’s wor -- thy praise,
Glor -- ious in His works and ways;
Sing your Sav -- ior’s wor -- thy praise,
Glor -- ious in His works and ways.

stanzaTwo = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "2."

Fear not, breth -- ren;  joy -- ful stand
On the bor -- ders of your land;
Je -- sus Christ, your Fath -- er’s Son,
Bids you un -- dis -- mayed go on;

Je -- sus Christ, your Fath -- er’s Son,
Bids you un -- dis -- mayed go on.

stanzaThree = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "3."

Lord, sub -- mis -- sive make us go,
Glad -- ly leav -- ing all be -- low;
On -- ly Thou our lead -- er be,
And we still will fol -- low Thee;
On -- ly Thou our lead -- er be,
And we still will fol -- low Thee.


stanzaFirst = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = ""

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
_ _ _ _ _ _ 

Sing your Sav -- ior’s wor -- thy praise.
Glor -- ious in His works and ways.


sopranoMusic = {
  \set shapeNoteStyles = ##(fa #f la fa #f la mi)
   \clef treble
   \key ees \major

   \time 2/4
	\relative c'' {
	\override Voice.Stem.thickness = #2.5

	g4 g | ees' ees | ees c | bes2 | 

		c4 ees | bes ees | g ees | f2 | 

	R2*4 | 

		R2*4 | 

		ees4 c | ees g | g ees | ees2 | 

		ees4 ees | bes c | bes ees | ees2 |


altoMusic = {
  \set shapeNoteStyles = ##(fa #f la fa #f la mi)
   \clef treble
   \key ees \major

   \time 2/4
	\relative f' {
	\override Voice.Stem.thickness = #2.5

	g4 bes | g ees | g f | g2 | 

		g4 ees | ees g | g bes | f2 | 

	ees4 g | g g | ees8[ f] g[ f] | g2 | 

	g4 ees | g f | g ees | g2 | 

		g4 g | g ees | ees g | g2 | 

		g4 ees | ees ees | ees f | g2 


tenorMusic = {
  \set shapeNoteStyles = ##(fa #f la fa #f la mi)
   \clef treble
   \key ees \major
   \time 2/4
	\relative g' {
	\override Voice.Stem.thickness = #2.5

	bes4 ees, | bes' c | bes aes | g2 | 

		ees4 bes' | g c | bes aes | bes2 |

\repeat volta 2 {
	R2*4 | bes4 ees | bes g | bes ees | bes2 | 

		bes4 ees | bes g | g c | bes2 | 

		bes4 aes | g aes | bes c | bes2 



bassMusic = {
  \set shapeNoteStyles = ##(fa #f la fa #f la mi)
   \clef bass
   \key ees \major
   \time 2/4
	\relative f {
	\override Voice.Stem.thickness = #2.5

	ees4 g | ees4 g | ees c | ees2 | 

		ees4 bes | c c | ees f | bes,2 | 

	bes4 ees | ees ees | g8[ f] ees[ c] | ees2 | 

	ees4 c | ees c | bes c | ees2 | 

		ees4 ees | ees c | c c | ees2 | 

		ees4 ees | c ees | bes c | ees2 


  \new ChoirStaff\with {
  \override StaffSymbol.thickness = #0.5
           \new Voice = "one" { \sopranoMusic }
           \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \stanzaOne
           \new Voice = "two" { \altoMusic }
           \new Lyrics 
\with { alignAboveContext = "altoMusic" } {\lyricsto "two" \stanzaFirst }
           \new Lyrics \lyricsto "two" \stanzaTwo
           \new Voice = "three" { \tenorMusic }
           \new Lyrics \lyricsto "two" \stanzaThree
           \new  Voice = "four" { \bassMusic }

   \layout {
       indent = 0 \cm
       firstpagenumber =  no
       papersize = legal

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