Am So., 8. Dez. 2019 um 18:38 Uhr schrieb Paolo Pr <>:
> On Sun, Dec 8, 2019 at 1:37 PM Thomas Morley <> wrote:
>> Am So., 8. Dez. 2019 um 11:51 Uhr schrieb Paolo Pr <>:
>> > 2) Is there a way to place the markup exactly on the top or on the bottom 
>> > of the notehead as well?
>> Not sure what you mean, could you provide an image?
> I would like the same behaviour of expressive marks like dots or staccato 
> above (or below) noteheads:
> They are placed near the notehead regardless of the collision with the 
> staff's lines
> If we have this too, we have therefore a complete test case:
> 1) Markup at the right of a notehead  (the tweak you wrote before)
> 2) markup exactly above or below the notehead (?)
> 3) markup above or below notehead + staff + stem  ( c'^\markup {"foo"}  ,  
> c'_\markup {"foo"} )
> thanks

Well, you could hijack Script then:

          -\tweak font-name #"TeXGyreSchola"
          -\tweak stencil #ly:text-interface::print
          -\tweak text "foo"
          -\tweak font-name "TeXGyreSchola"
          -\tweak stencil #ly:text-interface::print
          -\tweak text "bar"


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