On Dec 7, 2019, at 2:35 PM, Jim Duke <j...@dukeboys.org> wrote: > I have a large Lilypond project for several hymnals. The project is > organized into a subdirectory structure with each hymn in a separate > directory. For each hymn I produce several products: an 8.5x11 PDF, a 6x9 > PDF, a set of images formatted for projection at 4x3 and 16x9 aspect ratios, > and a set of part dominant MP3’s for use in learning the hymns. These > products are then assembled at a higher level into a comprehensive PDF of the > hymnal including front material and index; and a package of the slide images > organized to be compatible with a Slide production product used at my church > for assembling a song service; as well as assembling metadata files to be > uploaded into a website I maintain that provides access to these hymns and > provides simple search capabilities and internet access to these products. > > I use Make (that old workhorse) to automate the process; but that has some > distinct limitations. So I was wondering what tools others may be using to > aid them in building larger Lilypond projects. What, if anything, are you > using? How well does that work for you?
Jim, I’m right behind you! I have a collection of just over 100 hymns that are mostly Spanish language, but about 20 of those also have bilingual versions. My build system creates proof PDFs, 4x3 and 16x9 slide images and 4x3 and 16x9 PowerPoint slide decks which get synchronized to a shared Dropbox folder. I started off with make, but switched to gradle because I was already using that at work. I’ve got about 400 lines of Kotlin/gradle code. I haven’t built any hymnals yet, but I plan to. So far I feel like I’ve gotten further with gradle than I could have with make, but lately I’ve found gradle to be more and more annoying. Both make and gradle struggle with 1-to-many and (especially) many-to-1 type build tasks. So, for example, taking 8 png files and combining them into one Powerpoint file is doable in gradle, but you’re really fighting the build system and incremental builds start to fail in certain cases (like when a song goes from fitting on 6 slides to taking up 8 slides). There are other annoyances. Just a couple of weeks ago, I came across this blog post: "The only build system that might someday replace make” https://apenwarr.ca/log/20101214 So I intend to dig in to the design of the redo system and see if it can match the functionality provided by gradle without the pain and annoyances. David