Am Fr., 29. Nov. 2019 um 18:20 Uhr schrieb Jinsong Zhao
> Hi there,
> In the following MWE, you may notice that the ottava spanner have different 
> behavior. It may be my fault. However, I don’t know how to correct it.
> The first question is why the first ottava spanner extent to the second note? 
> The second question is how to prevent the ottava spanner merging, shown as 
> the last two notes.
> Any suggestion will be really appreciated.
> Best,
> Jinsong
> \version "2.19.83"
> \relative{
>   \clef bass
>   \key g \major
>   \time 3/4
>   \override Staff.OttavaBracket.direction = #DOWN
>   <<
>     { s4 <b e g b>2 }
>     \\
>     {
>       \ottava #1
>       \set Staff.ottavation = #"8"
>       <b, b'>2
>       \ottava #0
>       \ottava #1
>       \set Staff.ottavation = #"8"
>       <b b'>4
>       \ottava #0
>     }
>   >>
>   \ottava #1
>   <b b'>2
>   \ottava #0
>   \ottava #1
>   <b b'>4
>   \ottava #0
> }

\ottava works for Staff. You told LilyPond to write your entered
Staff-input one octave below. Thus the OttavaBracket _needs_ to span
the upper Voice (although you tweaked it's direction down)

Though, I somehow doubt that's what you intended ...


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