>> how can I control the default horizontal position of rehearsal >> marks at the beginning of a line? As can be seen in the attached >> image, the rehearsal mark gets shifted up because it would >> otherwise collide with the bar number. Consequently, I would like >> to have the default position shifted to the right to avoid that. > > Did you move the bar number to get such output?
Yes. I use \override BarNumber.self-alignment-X = #LEFT to avoid that the bar numbers stick out. > How about simply move the rehearsal mark also? [...] Thanks for this solution, however, I'm interested in a way to adjust the *default* horizontal position, not a one-time correction. Looking at the stuff for `RehearsalMark` in file `define-grobs.scm` I can't see how the horizontal position at the beginning of a line gets computed – whatever it is, I want that by default it gets positioned more to the right. Werner