According to this post: Re: MIDI assignment: two staffs to same channel | | | | | |
| | | | | Re: MIDI assignment: two staffs to same channel | | | I set the channelMapping for the same instrument (see the snippet below). But it still produces two separate channels (tested with 2.19.82). What's wrong? Note that the flute is correctly heard as the instrument... \score { \new Staff << \new Staff { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"flute" a'4 b' r r } \new Staff { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"flute" r\ppp r\fff c''4 d'' } >> \layout { } \midi { \context { \Score midiChannelMapping = #'instrument } } } Il giovedì 21 novembre 2019, 01:22:18 CET, Paolo Prete <> ha scritto: Hello, in the following snippet the same midi channel is assigned to both the voices inside the same staff %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% upper = { a'4 b' r r} lower = { r\ppp r\fff c''4 d''} \score { \new Staff << \new Voice { \upper } \new Voice { \lower } >> \layout { } \midi { \context { \Staff \consists "Dynamic_performer" } } } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If I use a PianoStaff, instead of the above two voices inside "\newStaff", how can I assign the same midi channel for both the upper and lower staves as well? ... \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "up" { \upper } \new Staff = "down" { \lower } >>... ThanksPaolo