Am Mo., 18. Nov. 2019 um 02:37 Uhr schrieb Paolo Prete <>: > > Hello. > > I can't find a way to have a single sequence of dynamics that affects both > upper and lower piano staves in the MIDI output. > I tried the following snippet but I can't hear any variation of the dynamics > in the midi file. > > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% > > \score { > << > \new PianoStaff << > \new Staff="up" { c'4 c' r r } > \new Dynamics { s4\fff s s\ppp s} > \new Staff="down" { r4 r c' c' } > >> > >> > \layout { } > \midi { }
\midi { \context { \Staff \consists "Dynamic_performer" } } > } > > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Cheers, Harm