dvips -x 500  your_dvi_file.dvi

Ruth Ivimey-Cook wrote:

Hi folks,

I have managed to create a number of reasonable scores in Lilypond (e.g. http://www.ivimey.org/ThereIsAGreen.pdf) <http://www.ivimey.org/ThereIsAGreen.pdf%29> but I need them to be much smaller, in the sense of a general reduction in size. Changing font size doesn't do it. The reason is that the current scores fit on an A4 sheet, but I need them to fit on about 2/3 of an A5. The score above came from the file below (note: it's intentionally missing 3 verses).

How do I scale the whole thing?


\header{ title = "There Is A Green Hill" composer = "William Horsley (1774-1858)" enteredby = "RIC" copyright = "public domain" style = "gospel" lastupdated = "2005/Mar/2" }

\version "2.4.0"

verseMusic = {
\set fontSize = #-1
  \key ees \major
  \time 4/4
  \relative c' {
        \partial 4*1
        ees4 | f g aes g | bes aes8 (g) f4 bes | g ees' d c bes2.
        f8 (g) | aes4 aes aes g | c c b b | c aes g f | ees2.

verseOne = \lyricmode {
\set fontSize = #-1
\set stanza = "1. "
There is a green hill far a -- way, out -- side a cit -- y wall, where
our dear lord was cru -- ci -- fied, who died to save us all.

verseTwo = \lyricmode {
        \set fontSize = #-1
        \set stanza = "2. "
        We may not know, we can -- not tell, what pains he had to bear:
        But we be -- lieve it was for us he hung and suff -- ered there.

\score {
%\midi { \tempo 4=72 }
        \context Voice = mel {
                \repeat volta 3 {
        \lyricsto mel \new Lyrics \verseOne
        \lyricsto mel \new Lyrics \verseTwo


-- Ruth Ivimey-Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>


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