Hi Urs,

I tried to reproduce, but couldn't easily. Do you have a MWE?

What I tried to test is from


In particular, strict-note-spacing; but I'm not sure what will happen if
you try to combine strict-note-spacing = ##t with non-proportional notation.
But I guess you know about that, right?


On 11.10.19 14:34, Urs Liska wrote:
> Hi all,
> the attached is realized with a small line-width and manual breaks.
> I don't really understand why the spacing of the right-hand barline is
> so different in the three systems, given that the music is basically the
> same. Especially given that the music up to that point is more or less
> horizontally aligned. Is there anything I can (easily) do to get the
> barlines (pretty much) horizontally aligned?
> (Realizing it as a three-staff system is not an option).
> Urs
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