foxfanfare <> writes:

> In my piano scores, I use a lot a music function which can draw little hook
> to indicate the hand separation. We discussed this in this post :
> I currently use the code that Harm wrote last year. The problem I just
> encounter is when I use specific variable in my score, it could interfere
> with the function. I cannot use the X anymore, like X.title if I want a
> variable for the name of the 10th movement in my work. I guess it's related
> to the absciss in the function but I don't have the skill to understand it
> properly.
> My question is the following, can this function be corrected to avoid that
> bug or does that mean that I definitely cannot write anymore roman numbers
> in my variables? (note that the function works when I write "x" but crashes
> with "X").
Naming a variable X will likely crash LilyPond since X is already used
to designate the X axis and quite a bit of Scheme code depends on it.
Try using longer variable names.

David Kastrup

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