If it hasn’t changed since 2.19.82 you could use

\override Staff.NoteCollision.prefer-dotted-right = ##f

> 10 okt. 2019 kl. 20:44 skrev Urs Liska <li...@openlilylib.org>:
> Hi,
> The following code creates the attached result:
> \version "2.21.0"
> {
>  \time 3/8
>  <<
>    {
>      c''4. c''4.
>    }
>    \\
>    {
>      b'4. b'8 [ a' ]
>    }
>  >>
> }
> The first measure is what I expect while in the second measure the mixed dot 
> situation flips the horizontal alignment.
> I'm not sure if there is actually an explicit reason for that decision, but 
> my customer wants me to have the second measure with the upper c'' on the 
> left too.
> It seems \voice commands don't have any effect, but I'm not totally sure.
> Is there any easy fix for that short of manually pushing stuff around?
> Thanks
> Urs
> (PS: note-to-self: it's 181_3)
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