Hi, Graham:
Thank you verymuch for the answer.I manage to use the following code to  hide 
every on the staff except the bar number and key signature. I can live with bar 
number, but would like to hide the key signature as well. hideS = { \hide 
Staff.BarLine          \override Staff.StaffSymbol.line-count = #0          
\hideNotes %\hide Staff.NoteHead          \hide Staff.TimeSignature          
\hide Staff.Clef }
The result:
Thanks,Ming.    On Wednesday, October 9, 2019, 05:49:17 a.m. EDT, Graham King 
<graham.k...@tremagi.org.uk> wrote:  

On 9 Oct 2019, at 02:22, MING TSANG <tsan...@rogers.com> wrote:
Hi, lilyponders,
Is it possible to remove a staff ( everything)?
Thanks for the help,Ming

Hi Ming,you need to give us some context, or you'll just get the answer "yes" !
For example, if you're trying to remove a staff from a system when that staff 
contains just empty bars, the answer might be \RemoveEmptyStaves.  But if 
you're trying to remove an entire part from a score, the answer will be 
different and will include advice about how to structure the lilypond code.
Over to you.
-- Graham
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