Note: Seems the mail sent yesterday somehow did not appear in the mailing list 
or a delivery failed message was not generated. 

Apologies if this been asked earlier. When using \partcombine, rests on upper 
voice is not printed, but rests on the lower voice is printed.

How do i get to print the quaver rest(critical) in the first measure ?. somehow 
it prints the critical rests in the lower voice.

\version "2.18.2"

pA = \relative c' {
  %%% partcombine rest is not printed.
  f4 e8 fis r8^\markup "rest" d'8 d d

  d4 r r c~
c8 bes bes c16 g r8 d d'4

pB = \relative c' {

  f4 e8 fis g4. fis8
  %%% partcombine rest is printed.
  f8 ees16 d ees4 d r8_\markup "rest" ees8
r4 r8 c16 bes c8 a a' f

pCom = <<
    \partcombine \pA \pB >>

\score {
  \new Staff = "no-part-combine" \with { instrumentName = "default" }
  <<\pA \\ \pB>>

\score {
    \new Staff = "part-combine" \with { printPartCombineTexts = ##f 
instrumentName =  "partcombine"}

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