Hello Damian, Thanks for your effort. But look here:
\version "2.19.83" { \override Score.TupletBracket.bracket-visibility = ##t << { \time 1/8 % \once \omit TupletNumber \tuplet 5/4 { s32 s s \tuplet 5/4 { \stemDown g'32[ 32 32 32 32] } s s s } } \\ { \tuplet 5/4 8 { g'32[ 32 32 16] d16\rest 16[ 32] } } >> } ==== The tuplet brackets are not all all what I need - refer to the image. Sure, I could mess with the bracket extensions and so on. But this solution, although clever, is tedious and fiddly (no disrespect intended) and I have dozens of these to engrave, so it's not very fluent. At this stage I would be prepared to say this is not possible in lilypond (and I am more convinced it's far too idiosyncratic even as far as modernist music goes). Andrew
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