Hi Karim,

It's 15/8. but he uses beat markers not barlines, so each span bar is one quaver. I am sorry to say this is one voice. I don't even know how to fake it using another voice. [How people are expected to play this precisely is another matter!]


On 22/9/19 10:35 am, Karim Haddad wrote:
Dear Andrew,

It seems that the composer has two voices here. the lower one :

\tuplet 5/4 {
fis32 gis, d c16} then

\tuplet 5/4 {
r16 b b32}

It is indeed graphically messed up.
If we can have a look at the time signature, (or at least the measure) we can 
figure it out.
But indeed. It is really badly scripted.

It appears that there is a 16th note shift Between voices (???)

I will not ask you who had manuscript it ..! :-)

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