Hi Kieren,

sorry for the late reply.

Am So., 8. Sept. 2019 um 21:29 Uhr schrieb Kieren MacMillan
> Hi Harm,
> Three questions on this [seemingly-ancient!] thread about your (wonderful) 
> "dynamics on the fly" function:

You likely mean this thread:

> 1. Have you, as you implied might happen, found better ways to do the same 
> thing(s) in light of recent development efforts in the basecode?

As you may have imagined from the delayed response I hardly find time
to work with or on LilyPond these days.
Attached you'll find the file which I used for some serious
typesetting work (thus the file-name).
Not sure how much it goes beyond what I already had posted.
But it contains no really new approach.
There are explanations in the file, mostly in the comments in \layout
of the example and in the doc-string of `dynamicH´

> 2. How can I eliminate the resulting grob from quoted material? The normal 
> attempts (e.g., \omit DynamicText) don’t seem to work all the time.

Could you post a minimal?

> 3. When the custom dynamic consists of a dynamic text and normal text, I’d 
> like to add a tiny bit more space/padding between them. Where in the function 
> can I do this? And would it be possible to adjust the kerning depending on 
> which dynamic text is present?

The spacing between dynamic and normal text could be set in the
attached file with

Not sure what you mean with your last question. Could you give an example?

I general I'm not sure when I'll find the time to look at it again.
But you never know ...

%%%% written for 2.19.65

%% To test the example below uncomment:
%\include "etym-III-scheme.ly"

#(define (note-column::main-extent grob)
"Return extent of the noteheads in the 'main column', (i.e. excluding any
suspended noteheads), or extent of the rest (if there are no heads)."
  (let* ((note-heads (ly:grob-object grob 'note-heads))
         (stem (ly:grob-object grob 'stem))
         (rest (ly:grob-object grob 'rest)))
    (cond ((ly:grob-array? note-heads)
           (let (;; get the cdr from all note-heads-extents, where the car
                 ;; is zero
                     (lambda (n-h)
                       (let ((ext (ly:grob-extent n-h grob X)))
                          (and (= (car ext) 0) (cdr ext))))
                     (ly:grob-array->list note-heads))))
             ;; better be paranoid, find the max of n-h-right-coords and return
             ;; a pair with (cons 0 <max>)
             (cons 0.0 (reduce max 0 n-h-right-coords))))
          ((ly:grob? rest)
           (ly:grob-extent rest grob X))
          ;; better be paranoid
          (else '(0 . 0)))))
#(define remove-empty
  ;; Remove empty strings and empty lists from the given list 'lst'
  (lambda (lst)
      (lambda (e)
          (and (string? e) (string-null? e))
          (and (list? e) (null? e))))
#(define char-set:dynamics
  (char-set #\f #\m #\p #\r #\s #\z))

%%%% DynamicText, created on the fly
%%%% Reads
%%%%  DynamicText.details.separator-pair
%%%%  DynamicText.details.dyn-rest-font-sizes
%%%%  DynamicText.details.markup-commands
%%%%  DynamicText.details.inner-x-space
%%%%  DynamicText.details.outer-x-space

#(use-modules (srfi srfi-11))
#(use-modules (ice-9 regex))

#(define (make-reg-exp separator-pair)
  (format #f "\\~a[^~a~a]*\\~a"
    (car separator-pair)
    (car separator-pair)
    (cdr separator-pair)
    (cdr separator-pair)))

#(define (dynamics-list separator-pair strg)
  (let ((reg-exp (make-reg-exp separator-pair))
        (separators (char-set (car separator-pair) (cdr separator-pair))))
      (lambda (s)
        (let* ((match (string-match reg-exp s)))
           (if match
               (let* ((poss-dyn (match:substring match))
                      (cand (string-trim-both poss-dyn separators)))
                 (if (string-every char-set:dynamics cand)
                         (match:prefix match)
                         (match:suffix match))
      (string-split strg #\space))))

#(define (dynamic-text::format-text
           fontsizes inner-kern outer-kern text-markup-command lst)
  (let* ((mrkp-cmnd
           (lambda (arg) (make-normal-text-markup (text-markup-command arg))))
         (txt-font-size (if (pair? fontsizes) (cdr fontsizes) #f))
           (lambda (txt)
             (if (number? txt-font-size)
                 (make-fontsize-markup txt-font-size (mrkp-cmnd txt))
                 (mrkp-cmnd txt))))
         (left-out (if (pair? outer-kern) (car outer-kern) #f))
         (left-inner (if (pair? inner-kern) (car inner-kern) #f))
         (right-inner (if (pair? inner-kern) (cdr inner-kern) #f))
         (right-out (if (pair? outer-kern) (cdr outer-kern) #f))
           (lambda (space)
             (if (number? space)
                 (txt-mrkp-cmnd (make-hspace-markup space))
      (lambda (e)
        (if (list? e)
                (cond ((and (string-null? (car e)) (equal? e (car lst))) '())
                      ((string-null? (car e))
                        (space-mrkp-cmd left-out))
                      ((and (not (string-null? (car e))) (equal? e (car lst)))
                            (txt-mrkp-cmnd (car e))
                            (space-mrkp-cmd left-inner)))))
                            (space-mrkp-cmd left-out)
                            (txt-mrkp-cmnd (car e))
                            (space-mrkp-cmd left-inner))))))
                (second e)
                (cond ((and (string-null? (last e)) (equal? e (last lst))) '())
                      ((string-null? (last e))
                        (space-mrkp-cmd right-out))
                      ((and (not (string-null? (last e)))
                            (equal? e (last lst)))
                            (space-mrkp-cmd right-inner)
                            (txt-mrkp-cmnd (last e))))))
                            (space-mrkp-cmd right-inner)
                            (txt-mrkp-cmnd (last e))
                            (space-mrkp-cmd right-out))))))))
            (make-line-markup (list (txt-mrkp-cmnd e)))))

#(define (get-string-indices lst)
    (lambda (e c) (if (string? e) c #f))
    (iota (length lst))))

#(define (dynamic-text::structered-list
           separators fontsizes inner-kern outer-kern markup-commands idx strg)
  (let* ((ls (dynamics-list separators strg))
         (dynamic-fontsize (if (pair? fontsizes) (car fontsizes) #f))
         (dyn-mrkp-cmnd (car markup-commands))
           (lambda (txt)
             (if (number? dynamic-fontsize)
                 (make-fontsize-markup dynamic-fontsize
                   (make-normal-text-markup (dyn-mrkp-cmnd txt)))
                 (make-normal-text-markup (dyn-mrkp-cmnd txt)))))
             (cdr markup-commands)
           (list-insert-separator formated-dyns (make-simple-markup " ")))
             (lambda (y) (if (markup-list? y) y (list y)))
             (lambda (e)
               (if (string? e)
                   (dynamic-mrkp-cmnd e)
         (string-spaced-indices (get-string-indices spaced-plain))
         ;; if idx exceeds, print a warning and use first possible
         ;; dynamic
         ;; if idx is negative, due to (1- idx) in the function-body of dynamicH
         ;; return #f, same for if (null? string-spaced-indices). Meaning no
         ;; dynamics are indicated.
         ;; This will finally return (with dynamicH) a left align dynamic.
           (cond ((or (negative? idx) (null? string-spaced-indices)) #f)
                 ((>= idx (length string-spaced-indices))
                       "requested dynamic to align does not exist, ignoring")
                     (car string-spaced-indices)))
                 (else (list-ref string-spaced-indices idx))))
         ;(foo (format #t "##########: ~a\n"  dyn-pos))
         ;; NB: values!
           (if dyn-pos
               (split-at spaced-with-dyn dyn-pos)
    (if (list? splitted-at-dyn-index)
        (let-values (((before dyn&else) splitted-at-dyn-index))
             (if (pair? dyn&else)
                 (list (car dyn&else) (cdr dyn&else))

dynamicH =
#(define-event-function (parser location idx strg)
  ((index? 1) string?)
  "Returns customized DynamicText derived from @var{strg}.
Parts which should be rendered with as dynamics should be entered by
surrounding them with the elements of @code{details.separator-pair}, default is
@code{(cons #\\{ #\\})}.
The output is done by using the procedures from @code{details.markup-commands},
defaulting to @code{(cons make-dynamic-markup make-italic-markup)}.
Further customizing is possible by using
@code{details.dyn-rest-font-sizes}, needs a pair, default is unset
@code{details.inner-x-space}, needs a pair, default is unset
@code{details.outer-x-space}, needs a pair, default is is unset
The optional @var{idx} determines which dynamic part is centered under the
NoteColumn (in case @var{strg} contains multiple dynamics).
  (let* ((dynamic (make-music 'AbsoluteDynamicEvent))
           (lambda (grob)
             (let* (
                        (ly:grob-property grob 'details)
                        (cons #\{ #\})))
                    ;; get the fontsizes to use from the relevant
                    ;; details-sub-property, i.e. 'dyn-rest-font-sizes
                        (ly:grob-property grob 'details)))
                    ;; get the markup-commands to use from the relevant
                    ;; details-sub-property, i.e. 'markup-commands, a pair
                    ;; car for dynamic, cdr for the rest
                        (ly:grob-property grob 'details)
                        (cons make-dynamic-markup make-italic-markup)))
                    ;; get the pair-value to use for inserting some space to the
                    ;; left and/or right of the dynamic, usefull for bracketed
                    ;; dynamics or dynamics with punctuations
                        (ly:grob-property grob 'details)))
                    ;; get the pair-value to use for inserting some space
                    ;; between the dynamic expression and other text.
                        (ly:grob-property grob 'details)))
                        (1- idx)
                        (lambda (mrkp)
                          (if (null? mrkp)
                              (grob-interpret-markup grob
                                (if (markup-list? mrkp)
                                    (make-concat-markup mrkp)
                        (lambda (tw)
                          (eq? (car tw) 'self-alignment-X))
                          (ly:grob-property grob 'cause)

               ;; Next line should be used for 2.19.65 and above
               ;(ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stencil
               ;  (stack-stencils X RIGHT 0 all-stils))
               ;; This line is for 2.18.2, though sometimes the offset in x-axis
               ;; is a little off
               (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text
                 (make-stencil-markup (stack-stencils X RIGHT 0 all-stils)))
               ;; if previous tweak for self-alignment-X is present return '()
               (if (pair? prev-self-alignment-X-tweaks)
                   (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'X-offset
                     (let* ((x-exts
                                (lambda (stil) (ly:stencil-extent stil X))
                                (take all-stils 2)))
                            (x-par (ly:grob-parent grob X))
                                (if (ly:grob-property grob
                                    (note-column::main-extent x-par)
                                    (ly:grob-extent x-par x-par X))))
                            ;; Get previous tweaks for X-offset and add their
                            ;; values
                            ;; They are added to the final result
                                (lambda (tw)
                                  (and (number? (cdr tw))
                                       (eq? (car tw) 'X-offset)))
                                  (ly:grob-property grob 'cause)
                              (apply + (map cdr prev-x-offset-tweaks))))
                       (if (markup-list? stil-candidates)
                           ;; For text only or if idx is set zero: align center.
                           ;; Also possible would be to left align, by switching
                           ;; to zero.
                           (ly:grob-property grob 'X-offset)
                                 (interval-length (car x-exts))
                                 (/ (interval-length (second x-exts)) 2)
                                 (cond ((and (ly:stencil-empty? (car all-stils))
                                          (negative? (car (second x-exts))))
                                        (car (second x-exts)))
                                       ((negative? (car (first x-exts)))
                                        (car (first x-exts)))
                                       (else 0)))))))))))))

    (set! (ly:music-property dynamic 'tweaks)
          (acons 'before-line-breaking
                 (ly:music-property dynamic 'tweaks)))

% {

\version "2.19.65"
tst = "foo {mf} poco, poco ---{f}- piu, {p}! {f} {p} {ff} {ppp}"
%tst = "{mf} poco, poco -{f}- piu ,{p}! {f} {p} {ff} {ppp}"
%tst = "some text only"

\score {
  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "\\dynamicH" }
    { c'1\dynamicH 2 \tst }
  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "default" }
    { c'1 -$(make-dynamic-script
                (make-italic-markup "some text only"))) }
  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "default" }
    { c'1 \mf }
  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "default" }
    { c'1 \f }
  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "default" }
    { c'1 \p }
  %% helper for better viewing
  \addlyrics % \with { \override LyricText.parent-alignment-X = #LEFT }
    { \markup \with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) #'(0 . 0) \draw-line #'(0 . 300) }
  \layout {
    %% DynamicText may be customized with overrides like below
    %% Currently given are the defaults
    %% Text which should be printed using `char-set:dynamics´ needs to be 
    %% wrapped into therefore reserved characters. Below the suggested default.
    \override DynamicText.details.separator-pair = #(cons #\{ #\})
    %% The subproperty `details.markup-commands´ determines which 
    %% markup-commands should be used:
    %% first value of the pair used to render dynamics, second for other text
    %% Below the suggested default.
    \override DynamicText.details.markup-commands =
    #(cons make-dynamic-markup make-italic-markup)
    %% Other coding-examples for `details.markup-commands´:

    %\override DynamicText.details.markup-commands =
    %  #(cons
    %    (lambda (arg) (make-normal-text-markup (make-box-markup arg)))
    %    make-underline-markup)
    %\override DynamicText.details.markup-commands =
    %  #(cons
    %     (lambda (arg)
    %       (markup
    %         #:normal-text
    %         #:override '(box-padding . 0.5)
    %         #:override '(thickness . 3)
    %         #:box
    %         #:bold
    %         #:override '(font-name . "LilyJazz")
    %         arg))
    %     (lambda (arg)
    %       (markup
    %         ;; Limitation:
    %         ;; underline returns a nice output by accident!
    %         ;; undertie not
    %         ;; Reason: every single part of the text markup needs to be
    %         ;; processed separately, otherwise the offsetting calculation will
    %         ;; be broken
    %         #:underline
    %         #:override '(font-name . "Purisa")
    %         arg)))
    %% Dynamics and other texts may have different fontsize via an override
    %% for `details.dyn-rest-font-sizes´
    %% First value of the pair used to determine fontsize of dynamics, second
    %% for other text. 
    %% Unset per default, in this case the value from `DynamicText.font-size´ is
    %% taken.
    %% If set value from `DynamicText.font-size´ is added.
    %\override DynamicText.details.dyn-rest-font-sizes = #'(10 . -5)
    %% The space left and right from a dynamic is customizable:
    %% If the input-string contains something like "--{p}--", then the space 
    %% between left/right "--" and "p" is settable by `details.inner-x-space´
    %% Unset per default
    %\override DynamicText.details.inner-x-space = #'(0 . 0)
    %% Adds space around the whole dynamic text-part:
    %\override DynamicText.details.outer-x-space = #'(4 . 4)
    %% Both together work like:
    %% <outer-x-space>"--"<inner-x-space>"p"<inner-x-space>"--"<outer-x-space>
    %% Only here for conveniant viewing:
    \override DynamicText.after-line-breaking =
      #(lambda (grob)
        (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stencil
            (ly:grob-property grob 'stencil)

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