> I'm typesetting a percussion part where the composer wants a
> glissando on both sets of bars of the glockenspiel; i.e. all the
> white notes and all the black notes.

> I'm not getting the expected result, which should show two
> glissandos between each note, one between the two Bb's and one
> between the two Cb's.

What about using chords instead of two voices, and a little bit of tweaking?

\version "2.19.82"
\language english

\score {
  \relative c' {
    \time 6/4
%    \override Glissando.style = #'zigzag
    \override Glissando.minimum-length = #4
    \override Glissando.springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
    \override Glissando.breakable = ##t
    \override Glissando.after-line-breaking = ##t
    \override Glissando.bound-details.left.padding = #1.5
    \override Glissando.bound-details.right.padding = #1.5
    \override Glissando.bound-details.right.end-on-accidental = ##f
    \override Glissando.bound-details.right-broken.padding = #0.5
    % 6 bars of 3 patterns of 2 quarter notes  = 18
    % 1 bar of 2 patterns of 2 quarter notes   = 2
    % and a final pattern without the last glissando

    <>^"Glk. gliss. on both rows of bars"
    \repeat unfold 20 { <bf cf>4 \glissando <bf'' cf> \glissando }
    <bf,, cf>4 \glissando <bf'' cf>

Toine Schreurs

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