On 2019-08-09 4:16 pm, Bill via lilypond-user wrote:
Oh well I tried
i downloaded
from this
GNU/Linux 64: LilyPond 2.19.83-1
I tried to upgrade using Synaptic package Manager but that only showed
2.18.2 which i have installed.
This is an installation script, not a package. To my knowledge, it has
nothing to do with any package managers.
As such, you will first need to use your package manager to manually
uninstall any existing LilyPond package if you have one that you want to
replace. Then you can simply run 'sudo sh
lilypond-2.19.83-1.linux-64.sh' (no extra arguments needed) and follow
the prompts. This will install under /usr/local/lilypond with a
shortcut under /usr/local/bin by default.
An alternative is to install LilyPond to your home directory for a
user-specific installation. This will be independent of any other
installation, meaning you do not need to futz with any package managers.
In this case, do not use 'sudo'. Just run 'sh
lilypond-2.19.83-1.linux-64.sh'. By default, it will install under
/~/lilypond with a shortcut under /~/bin.
-- Aaron Hill
lilypond-user mailing list