> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: Lukas-Fabian Moser <l...@gmx.de> > To: Simon Albrecht <simon.albre...@mail.de>, lilypond-user < > lilypond-user@gnu.org> > Cc: > Bcc: > Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2019 00:40:31 +0200 > Subject: Re: Transposing instrument best practice > Hi, > > > Given the highly confusing nature of the subject, wouldn’t it be > > better if the NR took a clear stance toward one of the ways as ‘best > > practice’? > > > > Which way would that be? What experiences did you make? > > (I still dispute the description of the subject as highly confusing, but > this may be an instance of "déformation professionnelle" since I am > often in the position of having to convince students that there is no > need to fear transposing instruments ;-).) > > For what it's worth, I can describe my practice - for me it may well be > "best" practice: > > GENERAL RULE: I like to have the contents of a music variable in concert > pitch at all times. This means, I want to make sure that if I just combine > > << > \new Staff \clarinetI > \new Staff \clarinetII > \new Staff \violinI > >> > > in conjunction with \midi, everything should fit. > > This implipes: > > ENTERING: Whether I actually enter the \clarinetI notes in written or in > sounding pitch depends on the source. In most cases, the source will be > transposing (not in sounding pitch), and since I'm too lazy to transpose > on-the-fly, I enter written pitch and wrap everything in a \transpose > command: > > clarinetI = \transpose c' a { > % music copied directly from a part written for Clarinet in a. > } % the variable now contains the music in concert pitch > > (Actually, this means that while entering the Clarinet music, I "hear" > the piece in the wrong key since, having perfect pitch, I tend to hear > the note of the name I'm typing. That's not ideal, but less of an > inconvenience than transposing everything while typing.) > > Of course, one can also omit the \transpose command and instead perform > an actual transposition of the written note names using the neat tools > that Frescobaldi offers. This way one actually "sees" concert pitch in > the source code. > > SCORE/PART DESIGN: Since all my music variables are in sounding pitch, I > have to re-transpose them when creating the actual score and parts (I > almost never create concert pitch scores): > > \new Staff \with { instrumentName = \markup{ Clarinetto in \italic la } > } { \transposition a \transpose a c' \clarinetI } > > Here, the \transposition command makes sure that a midi file that might > be generated from the score uses the right transposition. > > > Of course, this way of handling things leads to a redundant bunch of > transpositions and re-transpositions (if I enter a written clarinet part > in written pitch, \transpose it to make sure the music variable contains > sounding pitches, and \transpose it back in order to recreate the > clarinet part for the player). But I like the conceptual idea of my > general rule that a music variable should _always_ contain music in > actual concert pitch. > > > A drawback of this method seems to be that it's quite hard to implement > mid-piece changes of transposition. I somehow never seem to need this; > but if I ever had the need to typeset an old-style French Horn part that > changes transposition every few bars, I would probably abandon my > "general rule", enter written pitch and define a music function > \changeTransposition that i) issues the proper \transposition command > and ii) generates a text markup like "in fa". > > Best > Lukas
I wanted to second just about everything that Lukas said. I also enter notes transposed (when convenient), but also store the material in concert pitch in variables. When entering notes transposed, I strongly suggest adopting a naming convention to clarify the pitch of the note entry. I have yet to run across a situation that could not be solved by this approach just using \transpose \version "2.19.81" % So, music entry may look like: tenorSaxophoneSongInBb = \relative c'' { a8 8 r4 r2 | a8 8 r4 a8 8 r4 | a4. d8 r2 | R1 || } % At some point, I need to mix in the % global info (signatures, barlines, etc.) % via a music function. globalSong = #(define-music-function (parser location mus) (ly:music?) #{ << \relative { \key c \major s1*4 \bar "||" } \relative { $mus } >> #}) % Since the global info is in concert, % transpose the notes back to concert % when making this invocation. tenorSaxophoneGlobalSong = \globalSong { \transpose c bes,, \tenorSaxophoneSongInBb } % For transposed parts, transpose back % the version in concert with the global info \book { \bookOutputSuffix "tenor-sax-in-Bb" \header { title = "C Jam Blues" composer = "D. Ellington" } \score { << \new Staff { \set Staff.instrumentName = "Tenor Sax in Bb" \transpose bes,, c \tenorSaxophoneGlobalSong } >> \layout { indent = 4\cm } } } % And use the concert version when convenient \book { \bookOutputSuffix "tenor-sax-concert" \header { title = "C Jam Blues" composer = "D. Ellington" } \score { << \new Staff { \set Staff.instrumentName = "Tenor Sax (concert)" \clef bass \tenorSaxophoneGlobalSong } >> \layout { indent = 4\cm } \midi { } } } HTH, Elaine Alt 415 . 341 .4954 "Confusion is highly underrated" ela...@flaminghakama.com Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist ~ Educator -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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