Hi Kim (?),

28. Juli 2019 22:59, "kimfierens" <khkfier...@gmail.com> schrieb:

> Hi everyone, I'm new to LilyPond, and I have a layout question for you. The
> title says it all basically: how do I get LilyPond to put a fixed distance
> between the upper page edge and the top line of the first staff, regardless
> of any stuff (such as notes on ledger lines) that might stick out above the
> staff?

First: Unfortunately LilyPond doesn't make this too easy because it doesn't 
"think" like that. I have often wanted to achieve this in order to get facing 
pages align vertically and produce a more consistent "type area", but to no 

However, if you are consistently dealing with single-system examples there are 
some options. I'm not going into too much detail right now because we need a 
little more information.

Basically what I *think* should be the easiest approach in your case is 
basically "printing" a transparent rectangle behind the score that has fixed 
vertical dimensions and which you know goes beyond the topmost possible score 
element. When then the top margin is set to zero LilyPond will include the 
transparent rectangle, and you have the fixed vertical spacing.

> The reason why I'm asking this is that I wish to create (in LaTex) a
> table/array of small musical snippets. For aesthetic reasons, it would be
> nice if all the staff fragments within a table row were lined up vertically
> at the same height, like this:
> <http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/file/t5872/Schermafbeelding_2019-07-28_om_22.png>
> My idea is to create a very small page for each snippet and then export this
> page as an eps file into LaTeX. Hence my question.

If you are working with LaTeX and don't mind using LuaLaTeX I would definitely 
suggest *not* to do all that processing manually or in some external scripts 
but use lyluatex (http://ctan.org/pkg/lyluatex) to directly write the snippets 
into the LaTeX document.

One more question: on the example you attached *nothing* protruded *below* the 
staff lines. I assume this is not consistent with every examples you'll have? 
Because if that would be the case you could use lyluatex's inline placement 
with bottom-alignment.
(I just added an issue with an idea how that question could be handled in 
lyluatex: https://github.com/jperon/lyluatex/issues/267)


> Thanks for any tips and/or comments! 
> --
> Sent from: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/User-f3.html
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