
Thanks very much for all the suggestions. I had asked for an easy way! Also, 
I'm not 100% fussed about the exact layout as it's only for an example.

So I'm afraid that David's and Urs's solutions are overkill.

Rutger's seems good, - I hadn't realised you could use a repeatTie without a 
repeat! But I want th laisserVibrer tie to match the length of the bar. I tried 
changing its length using

   { c''1~ 1~ 1~ 1~ 1~ 
   \once  \override Voice.LaissezVibrerTieColumn.X-extent = #'( 0.0 . 50.0 )
     1\laissezVibrer  }

but this doesn't seem to have any effect on the length of the tie. Instead it 
changes the amount of room after the tie, which is exactly what I don't want. I 
also tried 

  \override Voice.LaissezVibrerTie.X-extent = #'(0.0  . 50.0  )

with the same result. Any ideas on how to do this?

Ben's is the easiest, but ties the markup to the music. Not a great problem in 
my case, as I can split the music where I want it first and add the text later.

Best regards,


Thursday, July 25, 2019, 8:27:07 PM, David Wright wrote:

>> Le 25 juil. 2019 à 16:45, Peter Toye <> a écrit :
>> Alternating text and music I want to engrave a piano piece, and have lines 
>> of text between the staff groups. I know I can do this with several \score 
>> blocks, but unfortunately there are a lot of tied notes at the ends of some 
>> of the lines, which need to be engraved, at both the end and the start of 
>> each line.

>> Is there any easy way of doing this? I'm not very good at the \markup 
>> command :(

> On Thu 25 Jul 2019 at 19:14:40 (+0100), Peter Toye wrote:
>> Something like this but with the tie between the staves.

> The easiest way I know, and which gives you total control, is to:
> set your single \score with one system per page, ie line ≡ page,
> burst¹ the PDF into separate PDF pages, your raw material,
> crop² them so that they're not encumbered with white margins,
> and assemble³ the cropped PDFs and text into the pages/book.

> ¹ $ pdftk filename.pdf burst
> ² $ pdfcrop --margins 1 input.pdf cropped.pdf
> ³ $ pdflatex (or lualatex)
> text-fragments-and-includegraphics-directives.tex

> It's basically what lilypond-book does, but
> lets LP divide the score
> into systems itself. You might need to set
> breakbefore to clear any
> titling from the first line of music, and of course you don't want
> LP's own pagenumbering.

> Problems: your final .tex file will need to be kept in sync if
> you make changes in the score that alters the linebreaking. This
> can be ameliorated if you're using \break
> directives in the score.

> Other methods:

> Problem with markup: your text is tied to musical elements rather
> than the pages you're building.

> Problem with laissezVibrer/repeatTie: you have to slice and dice
> the music yourself, and that interferes with other elements of
> the scores like dynamics, octavation, etc.

> Cheers,
> David.
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