Or you can (but depending on your actual use case this might be total overkill) 
compile your score as individual systems using \include 
"lilypond-book-preamble.ly" and include the resulting slices in a text 
document. Ideally a LaTeX document, and then you could achieve the same with 
the lyluatex package.


25. Juli 2019 21:23, "Urs Liska" <li...@openlilylib.org> schrieb:

> 25. Juli 2019 20:30, "Rutger Hofman" <rut...@cs.vu.nl> schrieb:
>> Isn't it an option to use \lassezVibrer and \repeatTie?
> That was what I wanted to suggest, but they look totally different.
> I can suggest a solution, but it requires an openLilyLib package (well, it 
> doesn't *really*, one
> could copy that one function oll:grob-system-position ...)
> %%%
> \version "2.19.82"
> \include "oll-core/package.ily"
> \loadModule grob-tools.system
> \paper {
> indent = 0
> }
> #(define (align-text-to-staff grob)
> "Determine the grob's horizontal distance from the staff symbol
> and offset the grob by that amount to align it with the left edge."
> (let*
> ((offset (* -1 (oll:grob-system-position grob X))))
> (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'extra-offset (cons offset 0))))
> {
> \override TextScript.after-line-breaking = #align-text-to-staff
> c'1 _\markup "Left-aligned text" ~
> c' ~
> c' ~
> \break
> c' _\markup "Left-aligned text" ~
> c' ~
> \break
> c'
> }
> %%%
> This calculates the horizontal distance of a markup from the left edge of the 
> staff and moves it
> there. You could from there of course tweak the vertical distances and wrap 
> the \markup in a
> function that includes a \once \override (so you don't have to worry about 
> interfering with
> "normal" markups.
> Is that like what you're after?
> Urs
>> Rutger
>> On 7/25/19 8:14 PM, Peter Toye wrote:
>>> Hi Muzhic,
>>> Something like this but with the tie between the staves.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Peter
>>> mailto:lilyp...@ptoye.com
>>> www.ptoye.com <http://www.ptoye.com>
>>> -------------------------
>>> Thursday, July 25, 2019, 6:34:56 PM, Muzhic wrote:
>>> Hello Peter,
>>> Can you post a picture of what you’re after?
>>> JM
>>> Envoyé de mon iPhone
>>> Le 25 juil. 2019 à 16:45, Peter Toye <lilyp...@ptoye.com
>>> <mailto:lilyp...@ptoye.com>> a écrit :
>>> Alternating text and music I want to engrave a piano piece, and have
>>> lines of text between the staff groups. I know I can do this with
>>> several \score blocks, but unfortunately there are a lot of tied notes
>>> at the ends of some of the lines, which need to be engraved, at both the
>>> end and the start of each line.
>>> Is there any easy way of doing this? I'm not very good at the \markup
>>> command :(
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Peter
>>> mailto:lilyp...@ptoye.com
>>> www.ptoye.com <http://www.ptoye.com>
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