Am Do., 18. Juli 2019 um 14:37 Uhr schrieb Ralph Palmer
> Greetings -
> I'm running LilyPond 2.19.81 with Frescobaldi 3.0.0 under Ubuntu 18.04.2.
> Has any progress been made in making a process available to install LilyPond 
> 2.20 or 2.21 on Ubuntu 18.04? Back in March of this year (2019), there was a 
> brief discussion about installing Guile 1.8 on Ubuntu 18.04, so that ly 2.20 
> could run. I tried to follow the suggestions, but was unsuccessful. If 
> someone would be willing to work with me, perhaps off-list, and we were 
> successful, maybe we could post a working process to enable others to install 
> and use ly 2.20.
> All the best,
> Ralph

To have access to the currently not released 2.20 you'll need to
compile the branch stable/2.20 from the ly-git-repository. To do so
you need guilev1.
Though, isn't guile-1.8 available via synaptic?
At least for me, running Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit, it is...
Ofcourse this may be different for newer Ubuntu-versions or other OS...


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