Hi everybody,

Quick question: is there a fix for the articulate script to perform slurs
correctly until the end if there happens to be a grace note in the middle
of it?

What I mean by that is, once the slur is interrupted by the grace note, the
MIDI file doesn't pick it up from where it left off. Therefore, all
subsequent notes in the slur are essentially not played as though they are
in a slur. Instead each one is played as though with a T tonguing
technique, which is the default for any note that is either the first in a
slur or not in a slur at all.

A quick example would be:

c4( d e f
g a b c
\acciaccatura { d8 } % as far as the MIDI file is concerned, the slur ends
c4 b a g
f e d c)

And in case it helps, here's the code with score blocks for layout and midi
etc. ready to run:

\version "2.18.2"
\include "articulate.ly"
\header { title="MIDI problem with slur and grace note" }

melody =
\relative c'
c4( d e f
g a b c
\acciaccatura { d8 }
c4 b a g
f e d c)

\new Staff \relative c' { \melody }
\layout { \context { \Score proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment
4/30) } }

\new Staff \relative c' {
\set Staff.midiInstrument = "flute"
\articulate \unfoldRepeats \melody
\midi{ \tempo 4 = 90}

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!
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