On 2019-06-24 3:18 am, Craig Dabelstein wrote:
Hi Aaron,
Omitting the tuplet bracket doesn't help. I'm really at a loss at what
do now.
Since your isolated measures involved tuplets, I had wondered if perhaps
the issue came from the brackets. Maybe try \omit TupletNumber, both
with and without \omit TupletBracket. If the issue is with the
engraver, you may want to instead try adding this to your project:
\layout { \context { \Voice \remove "Tuplet_engraver" } }
However, I am probably completely off base on where the fault lies. You
could try working through the other engravers one at a time similar to
[1]. The hope is that you might be able to better narrow down the
project into a MWE that does reproduce the error by getting rid of
elements that have no effect.
[1]: http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=280
While getting a repro is important, we should also be looking at ways to
unblock your work. I would suggest dividing your project in sections,
so that you can compile them independently without triggering the error.
It does mean needing to manually stitch together multiple outputs into
a single file, but at least you could continue to work on your score
while the underlying bug is being investigated.
To the list at large: Any folks here with expertise in running LilyPond
under a debugger on a Mac? At this point, Craig is likely going to have
to get us a stack trace since only he is able to reproduce the error
without sharing the whole project. Since my knowledge on that platform
is extremely limited, I cannot shepherd any further.
-- Aaron Hill
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