> BTW, I'm quite happy using GNU/Emacs with lilypond on my Mac.
> >
> > And: if you think that is cool idea, what would be a reasonable price?
> >

> I know you're living on a tight budget, but I've no feeling for the
> Mac price market out there. My feeling is that it should undercut
> GarageBand (http://www.apple.com/garageband) by quite a bit. So that
> would bring it to something like € 10,-. But that's just my two
> cents.

My feeling is that Lilypond is different that GB, and concerning the
notation, it is superior in many ways (I'm not sure though, can anyone
send a PDF sample to me?). If anything, it should be as expensive.


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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