On Fri, May 31, 2019 at 6:14 PM Kieren MacMillan <
kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> wrote:

> Hi Elaine,
> > This is essentially my workflow.
> > I use Logic as my DAW
> That’s great! That’s what I have installed on my machine, so it’s the one
> I’d prefer to use.
> > (It is especially annoying since there is not a key command for import
> MIDI within Logic, so I have to go through the menu each time.)
> Can’t you use the built-in macOS keyboard shortcut assignment feature(s)?

Thanks for the ideas.  I was not familiar with the built-in macos keyboard
shortcuts, so I looked it up.

I'm  not sure whether it is possible in this case.  The feature seems to be
limited to top-level menu items, or at least if you can do submenus, it
isn't clear how.

I tried "File > Import > MIDI File", and tried assigning it to a few
different keys.  One apparently already has a system assignment (cmd-M for
minimize), one had a Logic assignment (cmd-K for keyboard) and one that has
no assignment (cmd-[).  But none of them worked.  The ones that had
previous assignments retained those assignments, and the new one did

I even tried reducing the command to just opening the "File" menu, in case
the issue was related to attempting to access submenus.  But still did not
get successful results.  I wonder if this feature is app-dependent?

FWIW, Logic has a feature to reassign its keyboard shortcuts, but it only
works for actions for which it already has shortcuts.

> > Logic will import the new MIDI onto new tracks, and you need to delete
> the old MIDI, then move the new MIDI onto the old tracks, then delete the
> new, now-empty tracks.
> Hmmm… That would be nice to automate. Maybe with Automator/AppleScript?

That sounds like a promising idea, too.

The only caveat would be that you would probably have to have a distinct
script for each piece, or at least a distinct script for each set of
instrumentation you use, since it would probably be specific to the number
of tracks being manipulated.

I guess you could also always provide the same number of tracks in your
lilypond MIDI output, even if some of them are empty or duplicate, and just
mute those tracks.


Elaine Alt
415 . 341 .4954                                           "*Confusion is
highly underrated*"
Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist ~ Educator
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