Hi Harm,

On 22.05.19 23:08, Thomas Morley wrote:
Am Mi., 22. Mai 2019 um 08:17 Uhr schrieb Alexander Kobel <a-ko...@a-kobel.de>:

Hi Harm, hi all,

On 22.05.19 01:20, Thomas Morley wrote:
Am Do., 16. Mai 2019 um 13:25 Uhr schrieb Alexander Kobel <a-ko...@a-kobel.de>:

Hi David, hi Mike, hi all,

I sometimes (still use Lilypond, and when I do, I typically use) your
wonderful snippet for snapping "close" syllables into a single token. [...]

Now I stumbled across an issue with that: two syllables are combined
which are clearly far apart; see the attached screenshot and reduced
working example from an actual engraving. It's not exactly minimal, but
at least it's reasonably short and shows the problem. And the exact
circumstances when the bug occurs are not clear to me, and it's somewhat
sensitive to reduction. [...]


probably I've found a fix.

See attached files. There's a change-log on top of the .ily-file.
Main thing is to exclude LyricHyphens without stencil form iterating.

Not sure if the core "magnetic-snapping"-functionality isn't disturbed.
Please test thoroughly.

according to my tests, it works perfectly. I also tried your version in a couple of scores where I previously had issues with the original version (probably the same problem, but I don't remember exactly) and thus commented it out, and couldn't spot any flaws.

Thanks a ton!

That is, unless I additionally engage
to replace Lily's built-in hyphens by the "proper" Lyric's font hyphens; then it breaks again.

I did not have a very close look yet; I thought replacing ly:stencil? by (not ly:stencil-empty?) might help, but that's not it. I'll give it another shot as soon as time permits.



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