> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Aaron Hill <lilyp...@hillvisions.com>
> To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
> Date: Sun, 12 May 2019 21:13:54 -0700
> Subject: Re: ChordName Font Size
> On 2019-05-12 5:29 pm, Gregory Hollands wrote:
> > I want to use an alternative font for ChordNames, but the font I have
> > chosen is not exactly the same size as the default font. The result is
> > that
> > musical symbols (sharps, flat, etc) appear too large.
> >
> > How can I change the size of the musical symbols in ChordNames so that
> > they
> > match the size of the font?
> Here is a bit of a hack:
> %%%%
> \version "2.19.82"
> embiggenChordNames = #(define-scheme-function (size) (number?)
>    #{ \with {
>      chordNameFunction = #(lambda (in-pitches bass inversion context)
>        (define (helper mu)
>          (if (list? mu)
>            (if (eq? (car mu) musicglyph-markup)
>              (markup (#:fontsize (- size) mu))
>              (map helper mu))
>            mu))
>        (let ((orig (ignatzek-chord-names in-pitches bass inversion
> context)))
>          (markup (#:fontsize size (helper orig)))))
>    } #} )
> theChords = \chordmode { c2:7 g2:dim aes2:m fis2 }
> << \new ChordNames \theChords
>     \new ChordNames \with \embiggenChordNames #5 \theChords
>     \new ChordNames \with \embiggenChordNames #-3 \theChords >>
> %%%%
> This applies a global \fontsize to the markup to scale everything up by
> a specified amount; however, it also looks within the markup for
> occurrences of \musicglyph and applies an inverse \fontsize so they
> remain the original size.
> Wouldn't be surprised to learn there is some built-in procedure like
> map-some-music but for markup that would obsolete my helper function
> above.  But I threw this together pretty quickly.
> -- Aaron Hill_______________________________________________
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-user@gnu.org
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user

I was going to reply to this, then realized I hadn't read the question
specifically enough.

When I tried this approach suggested by Aaron,
I noticed that it doesn't actually address the question,
as it leaves the musical symbols (like sharp, flat) the same size,
while the text font changes size.

I started to try to modify this so that it would apply a different scaling
to the
musical symbols, but couldn't figure out how to do that.

In an effort to try to help understand how to adapt this function,
I started off by formatting and adding commentary to see if I
actually understand what it is doing.  There are numerous
questions therin.  If anyone can help explain how it works,
I might be able to move this forward.

\version "2.19"

% The original
embiggenChordNames = #(define-scheme-function (size) (number?)
   #{ \with {
     chordNameFunction = #(lambda (in-pitches bass inversion context)
       (define (helper mu)
         (if (list? mu)
           (if (eq? (car mu) musicglyph-markup)
             (markup (#:fontsize (- size) mu))
             (map helper mu))
       (let ((orig (ignatzek-chord-names in-pitches bass inversion
         (markup (#:fontsize size (helper orig)))))
   } #} )

% My attempt at explanation
embiggenChordNames = #(define-scheme-function
           \with {
             chordNameFunction = #(lambda

                (in-pitches bass inversion context)

                ;;; A recursive function that goes through the elements in
the list
                (define (helper mu)

                    ;;; See if the element is a list
                    (if (list? mu)

                        ;;; The case where mu is a list.
                        ;;; This next statement confuses me
                        ;;; since in it, we treat mu as a pair, by using
                        ;;; So, it it a list or a pair?
                        (if (eq? (car mu) musicglyph-markup)

                            ;;; The case where the first element of the
pair is a musical symbol?
                            ;;; So adjust its font size.
                            ;;; However, in practice this appears to affect
the text,
                            ;;; rather than the symbols.
                            (markup (#:fontsize (- size) mu))

                                ;;; The case where the first element not is
a musical symbol?
                                ;;; Seems like we are assuming it is not an
element that needs adjustment
                                ;;; but rather another list on which we
                                ;;; I would have guessed (based on the
logic) that this might be the case for text.
                                ;;; or (based on the output) that this
might be the case for musical symbols.
                                (map helper mu)

                        ;;; The base case, where we do not have a list.
                        ;;; Why are we not concerned with the font size of
this element?
                        ;;; What type of element do we expect this to be?


                ;;; Apply the function defined above to a copy of the chord
                       ;;; What does this represent?
                       ;;; Seems like it must be referencing something from
which this
                       ;;; function is applied--the thing to which this is
                       (orig (ignatzek-chord-names in-pitches bass
inversion context) )
                    (markup (#:fontsize size (helper orig)))

theChords = \chordmode { c2:7 g2:dim aes2:m fis2 }
    \new ChordNames \theChords
    %  Demonstrating what seems to be close to the default: 0.5
    \new ChordNames \with \embiggenChordNames #0.5 \theChords
    \new ChordNames \with \embiggenChordNames #6 \theChords
    \new ChordNames \with \embiggenChordNames #-3 \theChords


Elaine Alt
415 . 341 .4954                                           "*Confusion is
highly underrated*"
Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist ~ Educator
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