Hello Aaron and all,

No offense, and thanks for the translation.

I sent the file privately because it’s no MWE and I don’t have any way to make 
it available on the net.
I can share it on this list of course if that fits.

A nice day!


> Le 12 mai 2019 à 10:13, Aaron Hill <lilyp...@hillvisions.com> a écrit :
> On 2019-05-12 12:37 am, Andrew Bernard wrote:
>> Sadly, we are not all comprehensive polyglots.
> Oh, to be an actual polyglot I could only wish.  But I have always been far 
> more interested in writing systems and scripts than the languages themselves. 
>  As such, I am resigned to utilizing online translation, with all of its 
> foibles.
>> I could not refer to our new friend by name as I could not figure it out.
> My email client makes the sender's name and email reasonably 
> prominent--enough so, that Jacques' salutation confused me.  I had to read 
> Danil's email again to see where "otpravleno" came from.  Once I saw the 
> final line ending in "iPhone", I was fairly certain I knew what the line 
> meant.  A quick Google Translate confirmed it.
> I do owe Jacques an apology.  I had only intended to call out the error just 
> for clarity to others on the mailing list, but I fear I may have offended by 
> pointing out the mistake.
> -- Aaron Hill
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