Hello again I'm having problems with ties over the repeat bar lines when adding lyrics.
First let's look at the melody alone - without lyrics: The tie over the repeat bar line between the two volta spanners is wrong. When we add the lyrics, somehow unpredictable things happen: * repeat barlines and volta spanners get messed up * the first g in the 2nd volta alternative (bar 4) is missing the melisma line from "eight___" Questions: * How should I fix the tie(s)? * How should I best align the lyrics? * Is the tie problem similar to the glissando challenges in http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/notation/expressive-marks-as-lines? 8-# I still hope for a "standard default solution" - without too much manual/ugly tweaking ;-) Thanks in advance for your kind support! Best regards Stephan ...and yes, it's part of my current real-life score copying exercise. {code} \version "2.19.83" global = { \key c \major \time 4/4 } \header { title = "Ties over repeat boundaries" subtitle = "...with lyrics - volta spanner warning..." } myMelody = \relative c' { \global c4 d e f8 g8~ | \repeat volta 2 { g4 g g c8 g~ } \alternative { { g4 r r d8 g~ | } { g4 r c4\accent r4 | } } \bar "|." } myLyrics = \lyricmode { One, two, three, four, \repeat volta 2 { five, __ six, sev -- en, eight __ } \alternative { { a -- five } { yeah! } } } \score { \new Staff { \new Voice { \myMelody } \addlyrics { \myLyrics } } } {code} _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user