On Sunday 20 February 2005 10:07 am, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> > Han-Wen, all--

> I understand what you need, and I'll look into it. I only know this
> notation from grace notes writing out an arpeggiated chord. Do you
> know whether it is also used without grace notes (ie. with the 16th
> notes being normal rhythmic notes?)

Here you go.  The tie coming from the left edge is to the d\sharp on
the right(!).  The accent is achieved by muting the notes that are
tied to nothing a hair before the beat, thus placing an accent on a
tied note!  This is copyrighted, HVL Etude No. 8, pub. Schott.  I have
used less than a measure, so it is legitimate fair use.

When practicing tech: Don't practice the scale, practice each note.
When practicing music: Don't practice each note, practice the music.
When practicing an etude: Practice the music and each note too.

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of practice: "Dynamic Guitar Technique".  Nothing else is close.
Free download:  http://www.openguitar.com/dynamic.html    
daveA         David Raleigh Arnold          dra..at..openguitar.com

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