Recently I posted a Scheme function to do outline list numbering in markup
for one of the list members. Completely unbeknownst to me, LSR 543 shows a
counter done in Scheme for markup. My code was developed entirely
independently. It's also more of a full outliner than a plain counter. But
LSR 543 is highly instructive.

My question is, where does the function make-counter-markup come from in
this code? Is this something that is created by the define-markup-command
function internally? LSR 543 code is appended for reference.

If you have say

#(define-markup-command (whizzo layout props)...

does a function make-whizzo-markup get defined? What is the actual purpose
of such a function, if that is the case?

Where is this in the manuals?


#(define counter-alist '())

#(define-markup-command (counter layout props name) (string?)
  "Increases and prints out the value of the given counter named @var{name}.
  If the counter does not yet exist, it is initialized with 1."
  (let* ((oldval (assoc-ref counter-alist name))
         (newval (if (number? oldval) (+ oldval 1) 1)))
  (set! counter-alist (assoc-set! counter-alist name newval))
  (interpret-markup layout props
    (markup (number->string newval)))))

#(define-markup-command (setcounter layout props name value) (string? number?)
  "Set the given counter named @var{name} to the given @var{value} and prints
  out the value. The counter does not yet have to exist."
  (set! counter-alist (assoc-set! counter-alist name (- value 1)))
  (interpret-markup layout props (make-counter-markup name)))
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