Hi Aaron,

thank you for providing these enhancements to snippet 650!

I now had time to play around a bit and use it in "real world" scores. To my 
eyes your choices w/r to dimensions etc. are just fine, possibly with the 
single exception that I think I prefer to remove the 0.5 staff spaces extra 
padding in X when there is a TimeSignature (which conveniently removes the 
hard-coded conditional as well ;)).

While that extra padding looks fine on a single TimeSignature and in the 
snippet example code it seems not quite perfect to my eyes on full pages and 
especially when there are other TimeSignatures w/o arrows in akkolades above 
and/or below on the same page. But that's certainly a minor point.

What I'd like to try is having the arrow start at the end of the lines in the 
TimeSignature case but I have not been able to find out, where I would have to 
add that extra offset in X.

Playing with different values in \with-dimensions to have proper extend as you 
suggested does not lead to results that I liked. I'm fine with your chosen 
\with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) #'(0 . 0)

To sum it up:
I'm once again amazed by lilypond's flexibility and the mastery in putting it 
to great use some of us are able to provide.

Thanks alot,
Michael Gerdau email: m...@qata.de
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