Hi List,

I have the following MWE:

\version "2.19.82"

\layout {
  \context {
    \name AltLyrics
    \alias Lyrics
    \override LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
  \context {
    \accepts AltLyrics

%% Doesn't do a lot, apart from avoid warnings when generating midi output
\midi {
  \context {
    \name AltLyrics
    \alias Lyrics
  \context {
    \accepts AltLyrics

voceMusicSop = \relative c'' {
  \autoBeamOff \dynamicUp  \stemUp
  \time 4/8

  % 1-3

  | %4
  r4 r8 f,\(

  | %5
  des'4 bes

  | %6
  f bes8 c

  | %7
  a8. f16 f4~

  | %8
  f4.\) r8

voceLyricsSop = \lyricmode {

  \markup { 1. Was } ist Di -- do das ganz An -- de -- re? __

altvoceLyricsSop = \lyricmode {

  What is, Di -- do, the whol -- ly Oth -- er? __
\score {

  \new Staff = "voci" <<
  \new Voice = "voceSop" <<
          \new Lyrics = "voceLyricsSopContext" \lyricsto "voceSop" {
            { \voceLyricsSop }
          \new AltLyrics \lyricsto "voceSop" {
The client wants the music at Bar 6 and 7 to have different notes, but only
affecting the English lyrics. How do I do this? The \altvoceLyricsSop
contents are already attached to voceSop, and if I start a new voice at
this point, how do I ensure that only the lyrics in \altvocoLyricsSop get
attached to it, then resume following \voceMusicSop afterwards?

Thanks for the help,

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