Am Sa., 30. März 2019 um 09:04 Uhr schrieb Werner LEMBERG <>:

> > More robust: [...]

> Being a perfectionist I see a last spacing issue: If there are
> accidentals in the main chord, the fake bass clef gets aligned with
> the leftmost accidental (in the image, I've slightly moved the clef
> down for testing purposes to assure that there is no collision with
> the accidentals).  I wonder why this is so – I'm not aware of the
> necessity to do such an alignment at all –, and whether this can be
> circumvented.

The distance from bass-clef to the following note is set by
\override = #'(fixed-space . 2)
So the current alignment is more by accident.

Above does not hold if the ClefVoice starts at line-begin.
Per default main and additional bass-clef are vertical aligned then.

I tried to get the bass-clef closer to the note in question with
\override Clef.after-line-breaking = ...
Though, this override does not work sufficiently. Try chords with and
without accidentals in the main Voice to what I mean.
Up to now I've not found a good method to do it better ...


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