Guy Stalnaker <> writes:

> Lilyponders,
> While I don't use \relative (so this isn't a topic for my personal use), I
> am curious about what happens in this excerpt that Mr. Moser provided:
> \new Staff \relative a' {
>    a a a << { \voiceOne a a a } \new Voice { \voiceTwo e b b } >>
> \oneVoice a a a
> }
> \addlyrics { \repeat unfold 10 test }
> What I engrave this with LP 2.19.82 the a pitches after the temporary
> polyphonic context concludes following the \oneVoice are not engraved in
> the same octave as the a pitches before the temporary polyphonic context.
> Is that supposed to happen?

Yes.  Look up \relative in the manual.  You may be confusing this with
the behavior implemented with \fixed .

David Kastrup

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