
Following up my own question. I finally found a workaround that
1. prevents the collisions
2. doesn't require me to drastically change my page layout and spacing.

The collision between the acciaccatura's slur and the following stem can be prevented by simply adding an invisible rest. The amount of shifting can be regulated by varying the length of the invisible rest.

The following version of my example shows the last line without collisions, and without changing the number of linebreaks.
I now use this method in my real score and it works nicely.


\version "2.19.82"
\score {
  \new Staff {
      \override Score.SpacingSpanner.strict-grace-spacing = ##f
    \time 2/4
    \repeat unfold 2 { a'8 b' \acciaccatura c'' d'' e'' } \break
    \repeat unfold 3 { a'8 b' \acciaccatura c'' d'' e'' } \break
    \repeat unfold 4 { a'8 b' \acciaccatura c'' d'' e'' } \break
    \repeat unfold 5 { a'8 b' \acciaccatura c'' d'' e'' } \break
    \repeat unfold 6 { a'8 b' \acciaccatura c'' d'' e'' } \break

    % and here is my workaround to prevent the colliding acciaccatura slur:
    \repeat unfold 7 { a'8 b' \acciaccatura { c'' s } d'' e'' }
  \layout {


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