Hi Urs, hi all,

sorry, I accidentally deleted the thread just before some hint came to my mind, so this is not a "proper" reply.

\with-dimensions came to my mind as well, but it's not without drawbacks. Somewhat more cumbersome to use, but also *somewhat* more robust is to use a TextSpanner. (N.B.: for both approaches, apparently there's no way to check whether the markup runs beyond the line-length or even the page, and force a line break before the note with the markup if necessary.) Compare the following approaches:

\version "2.19.82"

  c'1-\markup {
    \with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) #'(2 . 0)
    "This is a long text that widens the score because it can't protrude."

  \once \override TextSpanner.style = #'none
  \once \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text
= \markup \upright "This is a long text that widens the score because it can't protrude."

As to why a TextSpanner is dealt with differently, and whether a similar handling is possible for TextScripts too, I don't know (and didn't try to find out).

\textLengthOff and \override Score.PaperColumn.keep-inside-line = ##f don't cut it, as you might already know. I searched for the keep-inside-line, hoping that it would, and found http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/notation/writing-text, where I noticed that the "decresc." in the "Dynamics text spanner prefix" selected snippet protrudes over the margin.


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