On 2019-03-11 3:40 pm, David Kastrup wrote:
Urs Liska <li...@openlilylib.org> writes:

Am 11.03.19 um 20:22 schrieb Aaron Hill:
On 2019-03-11 11:30 am, David Kastrup wrote:
Urs Liska <li...@openlilylib.org> writes:


I've written a poor-man's implementation of a simple \letterspaced
markup command:

  (letterspaced layout props text)(markup?)
   ((chars (string->list text))
    (dummy (ly:message "Chars: ~a" chars))
      (map string chars) " ")))
   (interpret-markup layout props
     (markup spaced-text))))

However, this scrambles umlauts and presumably other UTF-8 characters
as you can see with

  s1 ^\markup \letterspaced "Täst"

=>Chars: (T � � s t)

Obviously the characters are wrongly en/decoded along the way, which
makes me think whether I have simply forgotten an encoding setting
somewhere (although I have no idea where and how I should include
that) or whether that whole routine is totally clumsy.

Any pointer would be appreciated.

Guile-1.8 has only byte strings, not Unicode character strings.
However, the regexp procedures are locale aware, so you can use
something like

/./ isn't smart enough to match Unicode graphemes.  You would need
/\X/, however that is not supported in POSIX ERE.  Neither is the
approximation /\P{M}\p{M}*+/.

I can confirm that the suggestion doesn't work for me, even with the
given example. It's still "T   s t" (see attached).

Do you have an UTF-8 locale set?

That's because the file you attached was not in UTF-8. I was able to open it using ISO 8859-1. In UTF-8, the 0xe4 for ä becomes U+FFFD (Replacement Character). It should have been encoded as 0xc3 0xa4. Either fixing the encoding or just retyping the umlaut A results in a successful result.

Also, I should have been clear before. David's code should work for most cases. I was just being pedantic that /./ would not work if the input has combining characters. For instance, if you type U+0308 (Combining Diaeresis) after an 'a', you'll get an ä. But the simple regex would not treat that as a single grapheme. The result would be "T a ̈ s t".

-- Aaron Hill

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