On 2019-03-02 6:52 pm, nagymusic wrote:
I have a few \bookpart blocks in my score (within a \book { } block).
keeping the same order of page numbers, is it possible to set each
so it doesn't print its very first page number? Something like
print-first-page-number = ##f but for each \bookpart block?
This can be done with \on-the-fly using either \part-first-page or
\version "2.19.82"
\paper {
oddHeaderMarkup = \markup \fontsize #12 \bold {
\on-the-fly \not-part-first-page
\fromproperty #'page:page-number-string
\on-the-fly \part-first-page
\with-color #red !
evenHeaderMarkup = ##f
rh = \relative c' { c4 d8 e f16 g a b c4
| d16 c b8 a16 g f8 e8 d c4 | }
lh = \relative c { <c e>2 <f a>8 <d f>8 <e a>4
| <f a>8 g <c, e> d <g b>8 <g, f'> <c e>4 }
reps = #24
ps = \new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { \clef treble \repeat unfold $reps \rh \bar "|." }
\new Staff { \clef bass \repeat unfold $reps \lh \bar "|." }
\book {
\bookpart { \score { \ps } \score { \ps } }
\bookpart { \score { \ps } \score { \ps } }
\bookpart { \score { \ps } \score { \ps } }
-- Aaron Hill
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