Current progress. Perhaps I have hit a bug on Debian 9, hence the bonkers inducing behaviour. Using EDITOR has no effect. But if I set LYEDITOR to use gvim, it nearly works. This makes no sense to me.
Here's what I have for LYEDITOR, based on the NR: export LYEDITOR='gvim --remote +:%(line)s:norm%(column)s % (file)s' This invokes gvim, but with a hard to understand error :if !exists('+acd')||!&acd|if haslocaldir()|cd -|lcd -|elseif getcwd() ==# '/hom ::1:norm3|cal foreground()|if &im|star|en|redr|f [One has to admit that is slightly cryptic.] Now I have never used gvim before today, so perhaps the servermorde has to be configured somehow? Would anybody agree the ignoring of EDITOR is a bug? Andrew
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