I had no clue I can simply throw paper variables in a layout block too ...

You can't in general. http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/notation/the-layout-block.html says:

The |\paper| variables that can appear in a |\layout| block, with default values taken from the |\paper| block are:

 * |line-width|, |ragged-right| and |ragged-last| (see |\paper|
   variables for widths and margins

 * |indent| and |short-indent| (see |\paper| variables for shifts and

 * |system-count| (see |\paper| variables for line breaking

This kind of makes sense, considering that

i) system-count, indent, line-width etc. can obviously differ from \score to \score,

ii) every \score can have its own \layout,


iii) things like margins, footers etc. (and also ragged-bottom) are, so to speak, properties of the "paper", not of single scores.

But this logic it's a bit inconvenient that fonts definitions, staff size etc. are in the \paper block, because they might reasonably be changed on a per-score basis. (There is layout-set-staff-size, but it has some well-known bugs.)

What causes me trouble me most often is the fact that system-system-spacing seems to work only at \paper level. Why isn't this a \layout property?


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