More work on this. I have made a first approximation to this more boldened upbow using markup paths. I am happy with this, but there is something missing. We use a lot of extended stems (eccentric yes, but that's how the style is for this work). For my new upbow something goes wrong with the vertical alignment of the bowing mark and accents on the long stems. The normal way to do this of course looks fine. There's some concept here I am missing.
Andrew %====== \version "2.19.82" upbowNew = #(define-event-function ()() #{ ^\markup { %\with-dimensions #'(0 . 1) #'(1.3 . 0) \override #'(filled . #t) \path #0.01 #'((moveto 0 1.3) (lineto 0.25 1.3) (lineto 0.57 0.46) (lineto 0.9 1.3) (lineto 1 1.3) (lineto 0.5 0) (lineto 0 1.3) (closepath)) } #}) treble = { \time 2/4 \override Stem.length = #18 \override StringNumber.script-priority = #4000 a''4^.\1\downbow a8^.^\upbowNew\2 s8 \override StringNumber.script-priority = #0 a''4\1\downbow a8^.\upbow\2 s8 \bar "." } \score { \new Staff { \treble } \layout {} } %======
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