Am Mi., 13. Feb. 2019 um 05:32 Uhr schrieb 智樂喬 <>:
> \repeat percent is not as "smart" as I was hoping it would be. When dealing 
> with repeats longer than two bars, there are two issues:
> The percent symbol is not centered, but placed in the left-most measure; and
> The slashes of the percent symbol do not reflect the number of measures being 
> repeated.
> I grepped through /usr/share/lilypond looking for beat-slash, which from the 
> internals reference seemed a promising place to look. There are two grobs 
> defined in define-grobs.scm, one for RepeatSlash and one for 
> DoubleRepeatSlash. Unfortunately I can't see how I might be able to add 
> TripleRepeatSlash and QuadrupleRepeatSlash. Otherwise, I might just write 
> them myself and manually add them to my score, but that's still far from 
> preferable, of course.
> Preferably, \repeat would simply take the length of the music into 
> consideration and adjust placement and the number of slashes accordingly.
> Is there a way that these two issues can be resolved? (Also, can this be 
> considered a bug?)
> Here's a minimal example (with attached png) that demonstrates the issue:
> \version "2.19.82"
> \repeat percent 4 { \mark "perfect" c'2 d' | c'1 | }
> \repeat percent 4 { \mark "3-bar" c'2 d' | c' e' | g'1 | }
> \repeat percent 4 { \mark "4-bar" c'2 d' | c'1 | c' | c' | }


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