PS- also, I've made use of, which gets the notes in the correct positions. My example now looks like this: ----------------------- \version "2.19.82" \relative c, { \clef "bass_8" \textLengthOn \override Staff.NoteColumn.ignore-collision = ##t \override = #'harmonic-mixed << { \oneVoice eih^\markup { \right-align "Sul D" }--\harmonic } \\ { \oneVoice \textLengthOn \tiny \override Stem.stencil = ##f \override Flag.stencil = ##f \override ParenthesesItem.font-size = #0 \set Staff.ottavation = #"15ma" \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.direction = #UP \set Voice.middleCPosition = #(+ -1) < \parenthesize ceh'''>4 s \unset Staff.ottavation \unset Voice.middleCPosition } >> } --------------------------- Problem now is, Lily isn't avoiding collisions between the markup objects and grobs on other staves. Neither the markup nor the Staff.ottavation text block are given place, instead overlapping the voice above. How can I fix this?
Cheers, A
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