Please work on your quoting.  It's rather hard to figure out who said

Reggie <> writes:
>> Lilypond is so bizarre sometimes with things.
> A totally useless and inflammatory comment.
> * Respect, but there are many things in Lilypond code that is bizarre
> and confusing. Even those who work on the code have said in the past
> posts that certain areas of the program are in need.

"In need of improvement" and "bizarre" are not quite the same thing.

> It comes up every now and again.

> You think that 100% of Lilypond makes total logical sense "under the
> hood" and also in the user's viewpoint?

Nice straw man but "A totally useless and inflammatory comment" does not
state anything at all like that.

> Surely that's hyperbolic as you say. :)

> But ok.

Ok, I take back the straw man.  Considering how you are milking it, it's
more like a straw cow.

David Kastrup

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