Hi Aaron,

Thanks for taking so much care with this answer. But there's a problem. The
viola solo in this (New Complexity) score for a quartet is incredibly dense
and fills the whole page to the point that I have to have zero bottom
margin. There's very high ledger notes and very low ones, so that staves
are large of necessity. I'd do it as a book part, but the problem here is
that everything in this score ties across bars and pages, and I don't see
how to carry ties across voices between bookparts. This is the basis on
which my query was formed.

I conclude that I am snookered. The only option is to break the four staves
on the page into two and throw a new page. This upsets the pagination of
the work as I have to fit in with hand written fair copy further down the
MS as well, for logistical reasons of time at the moment.

I could reduce the top margin for the whole score and position every page
except the solo by hand, but this is a lot of work - two hundred pages -
and seems to me to be the tail wagging the dog.

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