On 2019-02-03 8:44 pm, Christopher R. Maden wrote:
On 2/3/19 9:43 PM, Aaron Hill wrote:
Does \cueClef help?

It does... though then when I \clef bass back again it’s ignored.  I
can use \cueClefUnset...

Thanks, this is a great workaround.  I suspect there is a better (more
properly LilyPondish) answer, but this is more than adequate for now.

Simply use \cueClef again when switching back to bass:

\version "2.19.82"

rh = \relative c'' { c2 a | b g }
lh = \relative a' { a4 f d b | g4 e c a }

% Using \clef only.
\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff << { \clef treble } \rh >>
  \new Staff << { \clef treble s1 \clef bass } \lh >>

% Using \clef and \cueClef together.
\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff << { \clef treble } \rh >>
  \new Staff \with { \override CueClef.font-size = #-2 }
    << { \clef bass \cueClef treble s1 \cueClef bass } \lh >>


Note in this case I changed the CueClef font-size to match the reduced size of a non-cue clef when it appears within a line.

-- Aaron Hill
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