I wonder why I haven’t had this idea several years ago but how about
\version "2.19.82"
\defineBarLine "m" #'("" "" "|")
\layout {
\context {
defaultBarType = "m"
mus = \relative {
c' d e f g a b c b a g f e d c \bar ":|."
\new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff \mus
\new Staff \mus
On my system, this does (in 2.18.82 as well as current master), this
does "the right thing", but only because of
-> Warnung: Falscher Glyph m nicht bekannt. Wird ignoriert.
But I have the impression that \defineBarLine doesn't do anything at
all: If I take a symbol (like "m") that's not used yet, LilyPond
complains as above when using it. If I use a symbol that already is a
barline ode (":" for instance), its behaviour seems to be left unchanged.
Obviously, I'm doing it wrong...?
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